Glenn Gray Brand-Building Zealot

Creative Director • Online/Offline Brand-Building Zealot

iWireless Brand Introduction

iWireless is a regional wireless provider based in Des Moines, Iowa. They came to us to give them a way to stand out from the competition with a fraction of the budget. Our solution was to tease them with a “kidnap” video showing just how most customers feel when getting sucked into a plan with features they don’t need or can’t afford. Then, using social media, digital and guerilla tactics, we gave them a look and talk factor that got them on the minds of consumers and increased sales. This was a total agency initiative I was lucky enough to concept contribute to and guide. The campaign was a finalist for the Webby Awards that year. 

Agency: Hunt Adkins  •  AD/CD: Glenn Gray  •  CW/CD: Doug Adkins  •  Designer: Brooke Ekelund

Teaser spot that kicked off the whole idea of Freedom and Flexibility and the perils of getting stuck in an ill-fitting plan.

The online component started with Facebook profile pages for all the characters involved, along with other major social media sites in order to establish a back story. Then we launched the TV spot complete with the url of a microsite sponsored by a fictitious grassroots.  organization sympathetic to our cause. Offline we staged rallies and gave away swag.

Ned also released videos from "captivity" with various quips about his poor choice in wireless providers. They were all shot on a phone and degraded to look as realistically amateurish as possible and emphasize his need for a new plan.

Finally Ned was freed by iWireless and he went out on his quest to help free others from the confines of a bad wireless plan.