Glenn Gray Brand-Building Zealot

Creative Director • Online/Offline Brand-Building Zealot

What's it like to work with Glenn?

Will I feel intimidated by Glenn's presence?

Absolutely not. Glenn is a team player who has a knack for bringing out the best in all those around him. He's more than willing to roll up his sleeves and dig in with everybody else to do what needs to be done and get the job done.

Someone with this level of skill and talent must be expensive. Can I afford Glenn?

The old adage, "You get what you pay for." certainly seems to apply in many cases. If you want the job done correctly and you want the client to be listened to and the brief followed and you don't have weeks upon weeks to try and try again, then you need someone like Glenn. He has an hourly rate, but when you book him for an extended stay or work out a project rate, he's flexible. He will come up with a rate that makes everyone happy and your client will sing your praises once the job is complete. The biggest problem is a fear of addiction to his services. 

Does Glenn have a specific vision for his perfect, utopian agency?

As a matter of fact, he does and it has nothing to do with sweat huts or hemp clothing. Glenn is a straight shooter and has mostly basic needs. Work hard, play hard, be honest. He asks for your best work and above-average effort. That isn’t just a creative request but one he likes to see from everyone involved. From strategy to key line. And when the whistle blows, every company has a culture like the lower decks of the Titanic. It needs to be fun, honest and driven by the people. It's up to the leaders to foster it without manhandling it. 

“So, is he a heartless taskmaster?”

On the contrary, Glenn is very focused on his people. He’s the first person to show up at your desk with a beer or to compliment you on success. He wants recognition for his teams and agency before himself. And he will be searching out the next creative assignment for those that take this to heart. However, if you’re lazy he will be honest and send you packing. 

Glenn is a conceptual thinker. A website or virtual reality headset is not the idea. It needs to spring forth naturally from the brand and core messaging. He spent 15 years doing all the traditional brand work only to be reignited by a love for digital. The ability to connect with consumers in a more meaningful and measurable way opens up all sorts of new doors. He is a leader who understands how these all need to work together and communicate the same tone in order to grow the brand. Kumbaya, baby!

Do I need to stock up on coffee if I hire Glenn?

It's no secret that Glenn likes his coffee. It is rumored that he will abscond with a carafe or more just for himself during a client meeting. But you should also know that he is just as happy drinking office coffee as he is drinking fair trade Ethiopian dark roast. As long as it hasn't been sitting long and he can't see the bottom of the cup, everything will be just fine.

Is Glenn only available for freelance or can I bring his talents on full-time?

The most important thing to remember is that Glenn is always looking for "opportunity." That can take the form of a single project in need of a solution that no one has yet to find, or it can mean turning around an entire department and helping to lead it into the future. Glenn has a unique ability to look at problems from all sides and think on his feet to find solutions that are not only actionable, but highly creative. In fact, you might not even recognize that it's an opportunity until you finish your meeting with him.

What if I need a team?

Glenn knows many of the best freelance partners in the country and can show up at your doorstep with someone hand-selected to your specific needs. He can also work brilliantly with your internal creative people if that is what you prefer. Fear not, Glenn is able to bring ideas and make those around him just that much better. Try him and see.